Warren was introduced into cabinetmaking by his father, Geoff, in 1993. Geoff already had 30 years of experience in the industry when Warren and Geoff started the business together. Warren was completely thrown into the deep end with no prior experience. Looking back now this was probably the best thing to happen to him, as he discovered his burning passion for joinery and the industry that he never knew he had. For 3 years after the opening of the business, Warren apprenticed on the bench right beside his father, learning first-hand the wealth of valuable knowledge and craftmanship his father had to pass on to him. These years were the ones Warren would cherish for a lifetime.
After 3 years, Geoff could see the potential in Warren and put more and more faith in him to run his own jobs and be more involved in the business side of things. He took the responsibility on with drive, hiring staff and taking on more work. Warren was extremely grateful to his father for allowing him to spread his wings and become a leader, but still be able to rely on Geoff and work alongside him.
As Geoff was known in town for his excellent craftsmanship, he was requested to do a repair on an exquisite buffet, not knowing this buffet belonged to the well-known, influential businessman of Hamilton, Malcolm Slorach. Malcolm was a talented draftsman and entrepreneur, who later had a significant impact on Warren’s career.
While Geoff and Warren were working on his buffet, Malcolm would frequently visit the factory to check in and quiz Warren. Malcolm had seen the same potential in Warren that his father had, even though at the time he was still only a youngster starting out. Malcolm once again quizzed Warren, but this time asked if Warren would teach him how to build cabinets. At first, Warren was reluctant, but Malcolm’s persistency eventually persuaded him to agree to teach him on weekends. This went on for some time, with a bond beginning to develop between the two. In exchange for his cabinetmaking lessons, Malcolm offered Warren something much more valuable, a mentor. With this, followed a stream of advice on how to run a successful business and what was involved in doing so. Warren now had the perfect combination, receiving cabinetmaking knowledge from his father and business advice from Malcolm.
After 2 years since the chance encounter of Warren meeting Malcolm, an excited Malcolm took Warren for a drive to the other side of Hamilton to show him something. They pulled up at an old orange shed on Ballarat Road and sat staring for a minute. Warren questioned what they were doing here and Malcolm explained to Warren that this was his new business location. Obviously, Warren was confused, so Malcolm pulled out a plan as any good draftsman would and shared his vision of what is now the current Unicraft Joinery factory. He pointed out the size of the area, the potential for expansion and the location being just down the road from the CBD. The decision was an easy one to make.
After the move, Malcolm suggested a new name would be the next business move. Together, Warren and Geoff formed ‘Unicraft Joinery’, with the help of Malcolm.
Over the next few years, the business continued to progress, allowing Geoff to slowly step back and eventually retire from the business, knowing it was left in capable hands. Although Geoff’s knowledge and skills were invaluable and often drawn upon, Warren knew that he wanted to progress the business in his own ways.
With his change, Warren’s wife Chantal came onboard, becoming more involved in the business and its operations.
Fast forward to the current day, Warren and Chantal continue to run a successful, sought-after business with a dedicated team underneath them and hope that one day their two sons, Tyler and Jake, will also be involved in the business.